Laser Marking Technique on Different Materials

A high-tech laser marking machine emits a high-quality beam to mark metallic and non-metallic surfaces. Laser marking machines have uses in multiple industries and work through different processes like evaporation, burning, chemical changes, material removal, etc. Further, it makes fine, precise, accurate, permanent, and durable markings over the material surfaces. So, all those laser marking techniques discussed in brief here.

What is the material category?

To know about the working efficiency of lasers in the peculiar material category.

  • Wood: Wood-based products like indoor and outdoor furniture, kitchen utensils, and many others. So its marking and engravings using various laser techniques are quite efficient.
  • Cardboard: A CO2 laser machine helps in finely marking the cardboard. It includes serial codes, barcodes, etc.
  • MDF: MDF and plywood surfaces make designing and engraving using CO2-based lasers that use the gaseous combination for precise beam emission easy.
  • Aluminum: On the highly reflective material of aluminum surfaces, you may get permanent marks using a fiber laser more efficiently.
  • Stainless steel: For permanent, precise, and color markings, we can use the MOPA lasers with the high-power output of the machine.
  • Mild Steel: The MS sheet marking and engraving are easy using any high-tech laser marking machine.
  • Plastic: The smooth surface of the plastic materials needs deformity-free marking with a less heat-affected zone.
  • Acrylic: Using a CO2 laser, acrylic markings, cuttings, and engravings are quite easy.
  • Ceramic and Tile: All kinds of ceramic markings using a laser machine are very precise and permanent.
  • Marble: Different designs, engravings, and marking patterns on marble look very appealing.
  • Stone: Whether it’s granite, stones, or gemstones, marking, engraving, or any other work
  • Glass: A glass surface is very sensitive and needs proper, safe handling. A laser marking machine can perfectly mark the tile surface.

Although the material categories are endless, we can find the most efficient laser marking machine as per the above-mentioned material categories.

Methods of laser marking

To get high-quality laser markings, many methods are responsible that can define its working phenomenon.

Laser Evaporation

A laser evaporation technique is applied to metal surfaces for 3D printing and engraving patterns. Further, it vaporizes the material surfaces using beam emission techniques over the specified areas. In addition, this way, it least damages the material and leaves beautiful engraving and marking patterns over its surfaces. In addition, the evaporation depth should be between 0.0001′′ and 0.005′′ to get better results.

Laser Burning

In a laser burning process, the laser beam heats the laser marking areas and burns their surfaces, leaving precise marks. So, it is also used in multi-industrial applications.

Laser material Removal

The laser material removal process is a non-contact process that removes the material surface via laser beam emission to engrave or give a permanent mark. In addition, it also helps with material rust and contaminants for cleaning purposes. Further, it helps in the use of chemicals or any other consumables to reduce further costs.

Laser Discoloration

In this technique, material surfaces are removed or discolored by heat and vaporization techniques. It is mostly done for coated materials like aluminum, copper, zinc, etc.

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Laser marking samples

Here, we have tried to cover the electrical and kitchen utensils with laser marking and engraving samples.

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