Deep engraving using 20 watt laser marking machine-Demo

Deep engraving using 20 watt laser marking machine- Full Demo


Deep engraving using a 20-watt laser marking machine is possible, but the depth of the engraving will depend on several factors, including the material being engraved, the laser parameters, and the machine’s capabilities. Here’s a general guide on how to achieve deep engraving using a 20-watt laser marking machine:

Time Stamps

Here is the time breakthrough for the video:

(.01–.35) Deep engraving, short introduction In this video, we have used a 20-watt laser marking machine for deep laser engraving on the MS sheet. And set the desired marking image in the automated machine’s software.

(0.36–7.18) Demo of deep engraving on MS sheet. Here, we will see the final engraving demo by fixing the metal sheet over the machine’s fixed marking area. And we have placed a phone in the holder to record all the video. In addition, to start the demo, we have taken a few accessories, like a mounted brush, WD40, and a cloth to clean the engraved oxidations. Now, once the engraving is completed, we can see the final engraving depth.

(7.19–7.58)—Binding up. Here, we discussed the deep engraving patterns using the 20W laser marking machine. For further information, you can visit the website or contact us.

Product Range Available

Question and Answer on This Video

Q1. On which materials can you do marking? Acrylic, plastic, wood, or leather? Can it also do cutting?

We have laser machines for every material. For metal and hard plastic-CO2 laser. For non-metal organic material-UV lasers can mark all materials.

Q2. Can you make a mark in a different color, either stainless steel or aluminum? And how much does the laser marking machine (30 watts) cost with and without the rotary tool?

You can use a MOPA laser to mark and color stainless steel. For the 30 watts with a computer laser marking machine, the cost is Rs. 1,85000 + GST. Call or WhatsApp 9212300300.

Q3. What is the cost of a laser marking machine for plastic material?

There are many types of laser marking machines and many types of plastic. You can contact us at 9212300300. We can have demos on different types of machines. And you can decide which is best for you.

Q4. Can we laser mark specs and eyeglasses?

A UV laser marking machine is recommended for specs and eyeglass laser marking for better results.

Q5. Which hatch settings should I use, along with the speed, frequency, and power settings?

We need to set up the 90% power speed, 500 to 1000 mm/min, along with the frequency of 20 kHz–200 kHz. Further, readjust focus when material is removed. We used the default hatch. Any continuous hatch should work.

Q6. Can it be used in billets?

It can be; you can come for a demo and also bring samples if possible.

Q7. Can this machine run using the normal UPS?

Yes, but we need earthing.

Q8. Did the machine get overheated or become overloaded in 2.5 hours? Does a machine have a life of its own?

No, you can run the machine continuously for 24 hours.

Q9. What are the required settings for the speed, power, and other parameters for the 30 watt machine?

You can set up the 30 watt machine at full power at 2000 mm/s.

Q10. What is the price of the 20W and 50W laser marking machine?

The latest price as of now:

20 watt start from Rs. 145000 +GST
50 WATT start from Rs. 250000 +GST

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